Vue.js vs. Angular

November 01, 2021

Vue.js vs. Angular

JavaScript frameworks have become an essential part of web development in recent years. They help to simplify complex tasks, improve productivity and ensure that web applications are scalable and maintainable. Two of the most popular JavaScript frameworks used in developing web applications are Vue.js and Angular.

In this blog post, we will compare Vue.js and Angular, providing a factual and unbiased comparison to help you make an informed decision. Please note that this comparison is not intended to suggest one framework is better than the other. Both Vue.js and Angular are excellent frameworks with unique strengths and weaknesses.


Vue.js has been gaining popularity in recent years, with more developers choosing it as their preferred framework. According to the State of JavaScript 2020, Vue.js is the second most popular front-end framework with a satisfaction rate of 82.2%. Angular, on the other hand, holds the fifth position with a satisfaction rate of 62.9%.

Learning Curve

Vue.js is known for its simplicity and easy-to-learn syntax. It's perfect for developers who are just starting in web development. Angular, on the other hand, has a steep learning curve due to its complexity. Angular's steep learning curve can make it challenging for new developers to get started.


Vue.js has a faster performance compared to Angular. According to a performance benchmark test conducted by Tommaso Allevi, Vue.js is faster than Angular when loading large amounts of data.

Community Support

Both Vue.js and Angular have a large community of developers who contribute to their growth and success. Vue.js, however, has a smaller but more active community as compared to Angular.


Angular has comprehensive documentation that covers almost all aspects of the framework. Vue.js also has good documentation, but some of its features are not well-documented, making it challenging for developers to use them effectively.


In conclusion, both Vue.js and Angular are excellent frameworks with unique features, strengths, and weaknesses. The choice of framework ultimately depends on your project requirements and personal preference. Vue.js is a great option for beginners or small projects due to its simplicity and ease of use, while Angular is suitable for larger projects that require scalability and maintainability.

We hope this comparison has been helpful. If you have any other points you would like to add, please leave them in the comments.


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